Mandatory Post: Where are my clothes made?

Good Evening World!!! I am still half watching the playoffs. It looks like the Warriors are making a push to win this game. It is getting good… Check out my brief ramble.

Dr. Mersmann asked us to look and see where our clothes were made. I will say this, I looked at twenty items and not one was made here in the United States. Not one. No bull-sugar, I did not have one item out of twenty made here in the United States. A few of the countries were: Indonesia, Bangladesh, South Korea, and a few other Asian/Indian countries. This obviously has an impact on the economy and life.

This kind of economic system is not good for the United States economy. Now, I have heard business people say, “If these companies produced here, goods would be ten times as expensive.” The other one is, “The how cost of producing in the United States would bankrupt businesses.” I believe both of those statements are lies. These are just scare tactics. I believe that producing goods here would not make these products more expensive. Hell, they are making most of these products for relatively small amounts, but we are still paying premium prices. Just go to your nearest shoe store or Best Buy, you will be introduced to extremely high prices immediately. These companies will not be reasonable with their pricing either way. I think more Americans producing and working would actually add to the economy in a positive way. People would naturally spend. It is hard to get involved in the economy when your job is sent overseas.

I truly believe that life in general would be more pleasurable if we employed and produced more here nationally. We basically have every single thing we need, but we send jobs overseas. It is a shame that I live in American and can pick up twenty garments without one being made in America. I would even be more inclined to buy American if it meant people keeping jobs and being participants in the economy. Let common sense prevail. PEACE!!!

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