Goffman’s Presentation of Self… (H)

Good Morning World… It’s Monday morning yet again!

Quick thought:

Are we always acting? After reading his writing, I am starting to wonder what is real. I am still trying to fully grasp this concept of Goffman. I never knew so much thought went into the most mundane actions. From the way we walk, talk, and move, is it all rehearsed? I am guilty of this myself. How many times have I been in my car listening to the most gangsta rap possible, only to get out of the car, “straighten up” before visiting my pastor. I would think back then, “What if he saw me?” or “What if someone who was also going to his home pulled up next to me at a traffic light before we arrived?” I would think how embarrassed I would be. That goes back to the fundamental expressiveness of an individual. We have two different kinds of sign activity: the expression one gives and the one an individual gives off.

I kind of understand the first one, which is the expressions we give . This involves the verbal symbols or substitutes which we us to communicate information that others attach to these symbols. This form is pretty traditional and narrow. The second, the expression that one gives off, is a bit muddled for me. This involves a wide range of actions that others can treat as symptomatic of the actor. That means the action was performed for reasons other than the information convey. What the hell does that even mean? Are we being deceitful at every turn. Are there ulterior motives behind our actions? I will have to get back to you on that part… I will just ask the professor (shrugs).

Back to the understandable… I often wonder how often do we change into character before we arrive somewhere. At what point do we become conscious of us being watched as we approach our intended destinations. How stressful it must be to put on a role for such an extended amount of time. I am very interested in this. It shows just how focused we are on making sure we are accepted in some sense. Our society claims to be extremely individualistic, but in reality so much is dependent on what others thinks , and/or what we want them to think of us… WOW!

Welp, lest I go into a foolish, incoherent ramble, I will just stop now. This Sociology “jazz” is not for the faint-hearted. PEACE!

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