On Becoming Female (H)

Good Evening World!!! I am feeling myself a bit more now… The cloud is lifting higher. I am headed to Statistics class so I will be brief. I know, Stats class in the evening. What was I thinking???!!!

I recently read the Donna Eder article On Becoming Female: Lessons Learned in School and I must say; these young girls are a perfect microcosm of adult women. All I could think about was the image of adult females while I read. Also, the cheerleading tryout was surreal. So I was amazed on two fronts. To think that the traits valued in the cheerleaders was somehow transferred and intertwined into the school culture was kind of disappointing. But in actuality, this middle school could be a microcosm of America. Which could mean that America is in some regards still in middle school. The three discussed categories reminded me of my middle school years. We, as boys, did focus more on the appearance of girls. Heck, many times that’s all we focused on. The young girls in my school and neighborhood did gossip about their hair, clothes, and appearance. It seemed all they were concern about was what we thought of them. The same things that happened at this study school happened at mine. It happens still everywhere.

If is a shame that our society still is in middle school. We talk so much about accepting people as they are. I now wonder how cumbersome this must be to young girls who are going through puberty. This is stressful for adult women, so I couldn’t imagine this kind of stress. We as men in this society must make this a safer place psychologically for a girls so that they can grow into secure grown women. PEACE

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